Can I ship it? This is the question often asked when shipping some items that qualify as prohibited and restricted items, which cannot be legally shipped due to customs laws or restrictions by the shipping carrier or airline. These items may vary depending on the country you are shipping to (refer to your country's lists of prohibited and restricted items), but in general you cannot ship the following internationally from the USA:
Important: This information contained herein is enunciative and exemplary, given in a general manner, is not exhaustive, and is not a substitute for consulting with the U.S. export regulations and import regulations of each destination country. As stated in the My Cargo US Terms and Conditions, as the importer of record in the destination country, you are responsible for ensuring that any and all items you export from the United States, Asia or any other country of export, using the services provided, must comply with the laws and regulations of these countries as well as the destination country. For additional information about the export or import regulations of these countries, please consult the regulatory authorities of each country, either on their web links, or by requesting the services of a customs broker specialized to your shipping requirements.