
State of Alert Prevention - Covid-19 Crisis
August 8, 2020

The spread of the COVID-19 virus is disrupting all aspects of business and commercial activity. At the same time, many governments are imposing control measures to some extent to address the serious potential health and economic risks to which employees, suppliers and, in general, all persons are being subjected, which is creating constant obstacles to business activities in all countries.

In this regard, the entire global workforce is continuously engaged in trying to limit these interruptions, to follow through with business continuity plans in order to maintain the highest possible service levels for each of its customers.

The response measures being adopted by governments are beyond the control of our services, being unpredictable, and therefore, could fall within the definition of "Force Majeure", principles that are universally recognized in business, and enshrined in law. At the moment, we have not declared "Force Majeure" for our services, therefore, we continue to serve and provide all services to our distinguished clientele, not without taking the due provisions that when they become impossible if we must declare this State of Force Majeure.

This shall mean that normal contractual and service obligations shall be temporarily suspended when it becomes impossible or impracticable to undertake or perform them due to the Covid-19 epidemic and its effects, or other emergency conditions that so require. This shall also entail the right to modify all or part of our services, as well as work procedures and previously agreed rates and prices, taking the necessary measures to adjust service operations and obligations in response to the prevailing circumstances.

Currently, we work and will continue to work hard to give priority to the shipments of our customers to arrive without delay to their happy destination, and in advance we are very grateful for having our services, for us it is a very good pleasure to serve you.

Sincerely, My Cargo US Team.